Photobooth for your events.

We supply all-inclusive photobooth packages for your next big event!

Hire us for a minimun of two hours to get unlimited photo prints, GIFs, props and accessories - all included in your package! Guests can also share their photos via email and as the host, you will also get a USB with all your party photos!

Available in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and surrounding suburbs!

Our Setup

We will arrive one hour before your booked time to set up the space.

We provide continuous lighting, monitor screen, props and accessories, print outs and a curtain backdrop of your choice. all you need to do is provide a 3m x 3m space and a nearby power outlet.

Behind the snaps

Capturing your memories

Photo credits: The Lane Creators

Booking steps



Secure your date

Get in contact with us and secure the availability for your event date.

Provide information

Pick a design, a backdrop and your preferred print out size. Let us know where you want to set up the booth.

Read our Requirements

We will need a 3m x 3m floor space, indoor venue and a nearby power outlet.


Get the party started!

We will arrive 1 hour before booked time to set up the booth.

You will receive soft copies of the photos after your event.

We understand that planning events are stressful enough, we do not want to add on to that. We promise to be the least of your worries. We will be the easiest supplier to book, with just a few simple steps...

Our Promise

No WEDDING TAX - we do not charge extra for weddings.

No travel fees within 40km radius of Eight Mile Plains

No extra charges for weekend events

Got questions?


Meet the Team

We started this business back in 2017 in Roma, Queensland. The idea began when we had a photobooth at our own wedding, and wanted to bring the same concept to the small town that we lived in. We were not sure that there's a demand for it, or if people will enjoy it, but there was not a lot of services like this in town - maybe we will be one of the first! Luckily we are surrounded by a community who, like us, loves parties and taking photos! Eventually, we started doing formals, festivals, birthdays, and even out-of-town weddings.

The combination of John's IT expertise and Adee's Multimedia Design skills make up our team dynamic. We also wouldn't be able to do this without the unfailing support of our family and friends. It has been an exciting journey for us to use our skills outside the workforce and attend a fun party at the same time!

We have now moved our services to the big city. We are expanding our connections around the area and hoping to expand our party hire services as well in the future! We are always so excited to bring more fun to your events!

Happy clients

Don't just take our word for it – find out what our customers say!